
辰工光纤温度数据(DTS)解释软件V1.0通过海量数据快速读取、光数据深度挖掘、数据噪声过滤、声波数据提取等各种技术对井筒光纤测试数据进行处理,集成了地层渗流、井筒多相管流、地层传热、井筒传热及DTS-DAS自动反演等核心复杂算法... …… >>  详情
分布式光纤监测设备可实时监测沿井筒的声波分布数据,并利用辰工光纤声波数据(DAS)解释软件V1.0解释出所需的油气参数。一根光纤和一个反演软件可反演出油气井的注产剖面、套管窜流及泄漏等,直接取代十几种常规测井仪器,正逐渐成为油气田勘探开发的颠覆性技术... …… >>  详情
Chengong oil and gas nodal analysis software mainly focuses on the formation seepage flow of each well, the pipe flow of wellbore and the throttling of oil and gas nozzle and the prediction of production capacity, and provides the optimization of integrated production system from underground, throttle valve and surface... >> Details
According to the actual situation of formation oil and gas water, the high pressure physical parameters of oil, gas and water (PVT) calculation, the fluid phase state calculation based on flashing, bottom hole pressure calculation, wellbore pressure and temperature calculation, productivity well testing and prediction, etc. are proceed... >> Details